Basic Info
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
* Are you a U.S. citizen?
If you are not a U.S. citizen, what is the status of your visa (if known)?
* Have you been admitted to the Graduate School already?
If you have been admitted to the Graduate School, what term was your beginning term?
* Are you a Mississippi Resident?
* What concentration are you pursuing?
Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
M.S. (Professional Meteorology)
M.S. (Broadcast Meteorology - non-thesis)
M.S. (Geospatial Science)
M.S. (Geography)
M.S. (Geology)
M.S. (Environmental Geoscience - thesis)
M.S. (Environmental Geoscience - non-thesis)
* Preferred Assistantship Type (Note: regardless of your answer you will be considered for all assistantship types)
Graduate Teaching Assistantship
Graduate Research Assistantship
Graduate Service Assistantship
* Desired Start Period (semester year format, e.g., Fall 2021)
* Please upload your most recent resume or CV