
Strategic Research Initiative (SRI)
Race & Racism Research Funding Program

Request For Proposals CY 2025

The College of Arts & Sciences (A&S) is committed to research and scholarship centered on race and racism. Important research on race and racism will bring us closer to understanding the causes of racial disparity and to developing research-based solutions that can dismantle and end racism. In that light, A&S launched the Race & Racism Research funding program in 2021 and will provide the opportunity again for a 5th year in 2025. Awards are intended for research and scholarship focused on the study of race and racism


General Information:

  • Proposals focused on research and scholarship in diverse areas of race and racism will be considered. The impact/outcomes/results of these efforts should help in understanding root causes of racial disparities and lead to the development of research-based solutions to end racism.
  • Any tenure-track/tenured A&S faculty is eligible to submit.
  • Funding will be considered for Race & Racism Research/Scholarship that could result in quality peer-reviewed publications and/or lead to new competitive federally-funded proposals.
  • Leveraging of existing funds, resources, and/or partnerships is encouraged.
  • A renewal for a second year of funding can be submitted for competitive review and funding, however funding for a second year is not guaranteed. Any renewal proposal must be submitted in response to the RFP for the second year.
  • Projects can initiate as early as January 1, 2025.
  • An annual/final report is required within 30 days of the end of the project. These reports can be submitted by logging into the web portal and completing the report form available at the end of the active proposal tracker.

Proposal specifics

  • A compliant proposal submission will contain a Proposal Cover Sheet (web form) and a Full Proposal Document described below and must follow the format included in this RFP.
  • You can enter the proposal submission portal by clicking the Login button in the upper right of the SRI Race & Racism Research announcement webpage.
  • To create a new proposal and enter the submission portal, click on the +New Proposal/Submission box.
  • The submission portal will request that you enter the following information in a web form (Cover Sheet):
    • PI NetID, Name, and Contact Information
    • PI Title/Faculty Rank
    • Departmental Affiliation
    • Proposal title
    • Anticipated Start Date
    • Total Requested Proposal Budget (see Budget Specifics below)
      • SRI Race & Racism Research Funding request
      • Other source of funding if available
    • Abstract/Project summary (type in or cut and paste summary into box provided)
  • The portal provides a browse and upload function to upload the Full Proposal Document (PDF format). The Full Proposal Document must consist of only the following:
    • Project Narrative (5 pg max; Single spaced; 1”margins; 12 pt font; Narrative must include overall research program goals, specific Race & Racism Research project goals, objectives, anticipated outcomes, impact, plan for leveraging funding; if using Figures and Tables they must be included within the 5 pg narrative)
    • Literature Cited (does not count against 5-pg max)
    • Budget/Budget justification (should itemize and describe all budgeted categories; explain other sources of funding if appropriate, does not count against 5-pg max).
    • No Supplemental Documents are allowed.
  • If applicable, co-PI information can be entered in the boxes provided.
  • Department Head and Departmental Business Manager information is required.
  • When you have entered all required information, uploaded the Full Proposal Document, reviewed the requirements, and are ready to submit, click the Submit for Approval box at the bottom of the page.
  • After successful submission, you will receive a confirmation screen and your Proposal will be routed to the Department Head for review and approval. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact mwilliams@deanas.msstate.edu.
  • Once the head approves, all are sent a confirmation and the proposal is routed automatically to the ADR queue, where it will remain until the review process is complete.
  • Proposals must be submitted and approved through the head via the SRI Race & Racism Research Web Portal by 5pm November 15th, 2025.

Budget Specifics/Criteria

  • Salaries are allowed but are limited to A&S faculty summer salary or AY time commensurate with the replacement cost of one course (lecturer replacement cost) for faculty with teaching loads >3/2, post-doctoral associates, graduate research assistants, or undergraduate student wages. A&S faculty, graduate research assistants, or undergraduate students. Other allowable costs include travel, supplies, and small equipment.
  • Note that fringe benefits and tuition costs associated with salary requests must be included in the budget.
  • Budget Limitations
    • $500 – $10,000 per proposal.
    • Equipment requests will be considered, but must be well justified. Equipment for shared use will be given more positive consideration.
    • No indirect costs are allowed.
  • A budget and budget justification should include all budgeted categories and must be included in the Full Proposal Document.
  • If other sources of funds have been or are to be committed to this effort, you should include the amount, source(s), and justification (include one budget/budget justification page).

Review Criteria

Proposals will be screened for compliance with stated eligibility criteria, stated budget criteria and adherence to topic area. Non-compliant applications will be returned without review. Proposals will be reviewed by a panel comprised of faculty/heads/admin with interest and knowledge in diverse areas of race and racism research and scholarship.

Merit review guidelines are as follows:

  1. Does the proposal narrative address the PIs overall research program goals, specific Race & Racism Research project goals, objectives, anticipated outcomes, impact, plan for leveraging of funding?
  2. Is the proposal focused on research/scholarship of race and racism?
  3. What is the potential impact of the proposed project? Will the impact/outcomes/results of this effort help in understanding causes of racial inequalities and/or lead to the development of research-based solutions to end racial inequalities?
  4. Are the goals clearly stated and achievable within the timeline and budget?
  5. Are the approaches clearly described?
  6. Is there a clear path to quality peer-reviewed publication and/or competitive funding?
  7. If the project is a continuation or if it builds on previously collected data, is sufficient information/data presented to judge the merit of the proposal?
  8. Is the budget well justified, allowable, and reasonable?